A Photographic History Of Trinidad, California
Page One - The Ryder Wharf (1859-c.1910)

Charles B. Ryder's wharf on Trinidad Head was completed in August, 1859.
Atop it ran a railway with cars drawn by mules or oxen. Rusted rails can
still be seen today drooping down from the cut in the rocks made for the
wharf's construction a century-and-a-half ago.
(Photo courtesy
Trinidad Museum Society.)

At the far end of the wharf was a large rotating boom for hoisting cargo. Anyone
familiar with the motion of the waves in this area can appreciate how
hazardous conditions must have been for those who loaded and
unloaded the boats. This photo was taken in 1893, not long before the
wharf was abandoned.
(Photo by A. W. Ericson, courtesy Humboldt State University Library-Palmquist Collection.)

Another Ericson image (circa 1894), likely taken from the Occidental
Hotel at the foot of Galindo Street.
(Photo courtesy Trinidad Museum Society.)

Taken from the same vantage point a few years later. Note that a section
of the old wharf has collapsed, indicating it had finally fallen into disuse.
(Photo courtesy Trinidad Museum Society.)

The last known photographic image of the ruined wharf, circa 1910. It's amazing that such a precariously-placed structure endured for more than a half-century.
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